Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The soldier

On this Veteran’s Day, I am remembering my cousin Henry C. Dahl of McKenzie County, North Dakota, who died November 11, 1944, in the service of our country. His death, 71 years ago today, occurred exactly one week prior to what would have been his twenty-ninth birthday.

Henry C. Dahl was born November 18, 1915, in McKenzie County, North Dakota, to Christ and Nellie (Forthun) Dahl. Henry's mother Nellie died when he was only two years old, and his widowed father was left alone to care for two young children.

Like countless other young American men, Henry enlisted to serve his country in World War II. He was a Staff Sargent in the 135th Infantry Regiment, 34th infantry division. He saw battle in North Africa and Europe.

In a letter dated 1 December 1944, Lt. Col. Charles Greyer, 135th Infantry Commanding, wrote to Christ Dahl: "On November 11, 1944, your son was killed by an enemy mortar shell fragments while he was traveling by truck in Northern Italy near the front lines." Henry was awarded the Purple Heart, and is buried in Florence American Cemetery in Italy.   

Thank you to all the veterans, to their families who sacrifice so much, and to those, like Henry, that paid the ultimate price.

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