Sunday, June 21, 2015

25 things I have learned in (almost) 50 years

I am celebrating the twilight of my 40’s! I turned 49 this year. As I approach the half-century mark, I have been reflecting on my life and what I have learned.

As a birthday gift to me, I share some of my truths:

1. Growing older is a privilege denied to many. I am grateful, truly grateful, for one more year.
2. Trust my gut.
3. Often what I don’t want to do is the very thing I need to do most.
4. “No” is a complete sentence. It does not have to be explained or justified.
5. Promptness shows respect.
6. Shoes make the outfit (my mother was totally right on this one!).
7. We all have a story to tell.
8. There is no substitute for real butter.
9. The Golden Rule is the greatest moral truth.
10. The hymn “Amazing Grace” always makes me cry. Every single time.
11. Losing a parent is hard. Watching that parent suffer before dying is even harder.
12. Worry solves nothing.
13. Sometimes not getting what I want is a blessing in disguise.
14. Take the high road.
15. Becoming a mother is the best thing I ever did, except for marrying my husband.
16. I love good wine.
17. Everyone could use a prayer.
18. Comparison is the thief of joy.
19. Yoga is awesome – good for the mind, body and soul.
20. Change will not kill me.
21. I always have time for the things I put first.
22. I will never get to read all the books I want to read.
23. A bed that is made feels great to get into at night.
24. Please and thank you really are magic words.
25. Middle age is 15 years older than I am.

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